Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Public View of Sudan

Sudan is located in eastern Africa. The capital is Khartoum. Only one out of the six interviewees knew this. 
American media hardly covers the events in Sudan. This is part of the reason some of the interviewees had difficulties answering many of the questions about the country. Some of the information Americans knew about was the fact that the country had faced civil war and political unrest over the past century. However, none knew about the south's plans to secede from the north or about events like cattle robbing.

Responses about why Americans don't know more about Sudan usually cited the fact that Americans are for the most part uninterested in the ongoings of other parts of the world.

Megan Hensley from Costa Mesa, Ca is a 
graduate of San Diego State University. She is
currently studying at Azusa Pacific University 
for her Masters in Clinical Psychology: Marriage
and Family Therapy. 
Megan Hensley-22
Costa Mesa, Ca
San Diego State University Graduate

Q: Where's Sudan?
A: Africa
Q: What's the capital of Sudan?
A: "I have no idea"
Q: What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Suadan?
A: War, I believe its civil war. "Did they overthrow their government?"
Q: What memorable events can you think of that have come out of Sudan in the past 5 years
"I think genocide. I know the government was corrupt."
Q: Where have you heard about Sudan?
A: Sudan and the Dredge-report.

Frank Kraft, 42 of Saarland, Germany has
traveled all over the world but knows very little
 about Sudan.
"There's so much else in the news these days;
 the tsunami in Japan, the revolution in Egypt,
those are the things we hear about," he said

Frank Kraft-42 
Saarland, near the France border of Germany
Resident of the United States for past two years

Q: Where's Sudan?
A: In the East of Europe or North Africa I think it's in Africa. 
Q: What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Suadan?
A: I was in Africa 20 years ago. I remember a loot of problems with the system, war, a dictator and a bad president.
Q: What memorable events can you think of that have come out of Sudan in the past 5 years?
A:I haven't heard anything from Sudan in a .long time. 
Different news is more important earthquake in japan revolution in Egypt. 
Q:What's the most noticeable difference between Sudan and the U.S? 
The people are very poor. There are a lot of places you can't drive but for two cigarettes you can get to those places. The people speak French in North Africa. 
Q: What is Sudan's Native language?
A: Maybe a special African slang. 
Q: Anything other comments about Sudan?
                                                                      A: It's really dangerous. The people are more friendly in Africa.


Julianne Titus
Retired School Teacher

Q: Where's Sudan?
Q: What's the capital?
I don't know. 
Q: What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Sudan?
Poverty, war, prejudice, unfairness
Q: What has happened in the past century?
Tribes against tribes, whites against blacks, British domination. In a poor country the people in the bush have to squeak out a living and depend on the weather. They have tribes that are killing other blacks in the country. I can't speak with any real authority.
Q: What memorable events can you think of that have come out of Sudan in the past 5 years?
I saw a photographer was there and I remember seeing a malnourished baby of about two with a bulging stomach and a vulture was waiting behind him.

Shannon McCullough
Mother of two

Q: Where's Sudan?
In Africa, Southern Tip
Q: What's the capital?
Q: What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Sudan?
Oppression and the females are circumcision.
Q: Native language?
I was going to say Farsee but I don't think that's right.
Q: What has happened in the past century?
A civil war. Aren't they in the area that's involved in apartheid.
Q: Biggest difference between Sudan and U.S?
The differences in class. Our poor can at least get something to eat. Theirs are literally dying on the side of the road.
I kind of live in a bubble. I don't know enough about current world affairs because our media distorts and hides the truth. They don't show that on morning news, they show who's wearing what. On a daily basis the world news is very filtered.

Larry Green-61
Internal Affairs Investigator for County of Los Angeles

Q: Where's Sudan?
Q: What's the capital?
Is this multiple choice?
Q: What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of mind?
Civil unrest, i'm sure their economy is not the greatest, religious problems.
Q: Native language?
Q:Biggest difference between Sudan and U.S?
Population, that's a simple way out. Government- they're probably opposite. I don't think they think too much about their population. They claim to be democratic.
Q: What has happened in the past century?
Didn't they have a major civil war about the time I was born? They're always having smaller conflicts.
Q: In the past 5 years?
I may have... What's her name, Angelina Jolie made Darfur a big deal which I'm sure it is. You know, the genocide thing. Actually that's probably ongoing.
Q: Why don't we hear more about Sudan?
Generally I think Americans don't want to hear about things like that because it makes it more real. Things that go against what we believe in makes people uneasy. In a country where we sensationalize a lot of our news I'm surprised we don't hear more about it.

Travis Hensley
High School Senior
Q: Where's Sudan?
I'm going to say Arabia.
Q: What's the capital?
I think I actually know this one. Hold on timeout, this was on a trivial pursuit question. Khartoum.
Q: What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of mind when you think of Sudan?
A burka.
Q: Why don't we hear more about Sudan?
Because we're America and we suck. Probably because we don't care. It's just that we focus our attention on other issues that will help us.
Q: What has happened in the past century?

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